Saturday, March 3, 2012

It's a....BOY!

So I had been sooo so excited for my next doctor's appt. I was still trying not to get my hopes up that she would be able to tell the sex of the baby since it was still kinda soon (15 weeks). Dr. Boheen was so cute though, & tried & tried to get that little one to show us the goods. Finally it did, & to all our amazement she said it was a boy! We were all so surprised because I had been "zoned" twice and she was convinced I was having a girl; Livy had a few dreams where we had a baby girl; & Bobby had no doubt that it was a girl. I had no idea. I went through a little phase after my first ultrasound, & saw the picture of my sweet baby where I kept referring to it as a boy, & just kind of felt a boy. I dismissed it though after about a week or two, thinking everyone else was probably right. Should have went with my gut :) Whatever it decided to be though- we are so excited & happy. I feel so blessed to be able to have a baby. It 's kind of funny how things are so different when it's you. It's so neat to think he's inside me, moving & growing. I guess in my little internal world, I AM the first person to get pregnant ;) I couldn't be more excited, I want to tell every person I see! I love having a little belly (& not worrying about it!)...I am so happy that Livy is so excited to be a big sister. I feel so blessed that I have such an amazing daughter like her, that has let me practice my mom skills on her first ;) I appreciate what a happy, energetic, positive, helpful, smart, funny, & fun to be with girl she is. I always tell people she is like my little personal assistant. She remembers dates for me, helps me with my hair, always runs errands with me, tells me if my outfit looks good or not; I value her opinion so much. She's my younger bff :) Anyhow, I got on that tangent because I was thinking what a great big sis she's gonna be. Not to mention what a big help she will be to me. We are so lucky to have a sweet baby coming & to have such a wonderful girl like Liv already. WE ARE BLESSED.

1 comment:

  1. its liv... for the record im the one that is blessed i have an amazing mom... she is always there for me and we do alot together she is going to be the perfect babymom i love her so much...and she is right i will probably be a good big sister and i will help her with the baby... but with her mad skills she wont need much of me... and we are all blessed to all have each other and be such a wonderful family and healthy family... i truly love jennifer friedli she is a super mom... she is beautiful funny nice careing amazing sweet awesome best thing that came as a bump in my path of life...the baby is going to be a very fun and good addition to our wonderful family
