Monday, August 5, 2013

Tater is 1 yr. old!

Sooo I just BARELY did his 11 month summary. Not TOO much is different so here are a few pics & fun facts about Tater at 1 year :)

1.He is 23.4 lbs, which is 56th percentile
   31 inches long, which is 83%
   His head circumference is 46.5 cm, 52%
2. He is ALMOST walking! He loves his walker toy that Katy Morgan (& technically the Lythgoes ;)) gave him
3. He is being more adventurous with foods....
Hmm, that looks interesting....

Let's take a closer looksie...

Tater sampling taters :)
4. He loves his cousins. And they love him!

5. He loves to go for walks in his little red push-car (another gift from Katy)

6. He is getting pretty handy with a fork! He loves to have you put the food on the fork (especially the grown-up forks), then hand it to him. He turns it all the way around so it goes in his mouth backwards, but he is getting SO good at it! Big boy :)

7. On Tater's actual birthday Bobby was working & Liv was gone to girls camp so it was just me n him. He got his first haircut by Aunt Lindsay. Grammy was there for a photo shoot, so more cute pics of this to follow, but she caught a few on my phone.

8. He loves the sandbox! I got new fresh sand to top off what I had. For his bday I got him some sandbox toys that I found a super-good deal on-what a steal! He loved the little shovel that Grammy n Poppy got him for Easter though. It's his fave. I wanted him to have a fun day doing what he wanted, so we got dirty in the sand! He loved shoveling sand onto his lap. It was so fun to watch him have so much fun!

We went for a walk in his car (probably his favorite thing EVER to do) & then to see Bob n Cindy's new puppies. I thought he would like them more, but he really just wanted to chew on his shovel

Followed by a non-rushed bath & then nakedness. I figured it probably felt good for him to be naked & free :) Cool with me as long as he didn't pee on my bed!

9. He got super sick with his MMR shot. He was throwing up, & running a temp of 104.5 after alternating ibuprofen & tylenol, a cool dip in the pool, & was so lethargic. It scared me. I ended up taking him to an Urgent Care in Roy. My sweet parents met us there. He was negative for Strep, so they said it was probably due to the MMR. The doc said that they don't usually get temps that high, but he probably wouldn't be feeling better until after the weekend. Since I was off work, of course Bobby WAS working. We slept at Grammy n Poppy's that night. It was fun, other than Tater being sick. He slept most of the night with me snuggled in the twin bed. I hated seeing him like that! It was fun to snuggle, & he felt tons better the next day. We went home after Bobby was done sleeping & by the time we got home he had the most MASSIVE blowout ever! It was all over the carseat, his hands, clothes, in the buckle system of the carseat. I wasn't sure if it was puke or poop at first! Gross! Anyways, he still didn't feel totally better for awhile. He threw up occasionally, ran a fever, & was grumpy off and on for the next few weeks. Poor baby!

10. He is getting 3 more teeth! All on the top & two of them are molars. Dr. Nye said that's really not typical to get molars after the two front teeth (top & bottom).

11. So now his expanding vocabulary includes: "this" which sounds like "dis" sometimes, it is so cute! He has said "cheese" "dog" "that" &  says "baby" "yay"  "dada"  more often.
He has OFFICIALLY said MOMMA! Hooray! It's been since he's been sick, & it always sounds kinda whiney, but it is the sweetest sound EVER! He says it with his bottom lip sticking out & goes "Mumma-mumma-mumma-mumma." I love it!

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