Saturday, October 12, 2013

Tater is 14 months

My Tater Salad
Wow. So much changes each day with this kid. It's amazing. I was staring at him sleeping in his crib with his legs hanging out the side, & remembering the day we brought him home & put him in his crib. He was so tiny laying right in the middle. I can't believe he's a little boy now. He will always be my baby though :)
Here's what's new with Tater.
1. He has started wearing shoes :) This is a pic where I put him in the cute lil crocs my mom had bought him when he was brand new. They finally fit! He was NOT a fan though. He kept trying to kick them off like. "WHAT are these Gigantic things on my feet making it sooo much more difficult to walk!?" He is getting used to them though, & I even found some cute pimpin lil Hugh Hefner slipper/moccasins to get him more used to wearing things on his feet. I also got him these Rubberoos socks from Walmart. They just have skid-proof padding on them. He likes the sound they make hitting my parents wood floor & tile :)
2. He wears a size 5 shoe. 18 month clothes & we are starting to pull out the 2T's. For sure in jammies. They are so funny, they are all skin-tight capri leggings & midriffs. I love it!
3. He gives kisses. Sometimes very willingly, & sometimes, such as in this photo, he won't give it up.
4. Looooves the shoe basket. He gets all the shoes out all the time. I may have to get rid of this soon because he always tries to bite the flip flops. It makes me want to puke!

5. This was a night of diaper dancing. Very cute. He would hold onto the table or his highchair leg & pole dance. Hysterical. I'll try to post a vid of this later.

6. I always call him my "silly hamburger boy" because he is MORE than a little ham. He is a hamBURGER. Here he is eating. I've had to resort to making a chomping sound & making a horse face to get him to eat when he's in a difficult mood. Oddly, it works some of the time.

7. He loves to eat with a fork & spoon. He can spoon the yogurt & eat it pretty well by himself. It makes a mess, but he can get it done :)
8. Some of his fave foods are, well what I TRY to feed him is: we start off with a veggie (beans, peas), then go to bread or cheerios, then string cheese (sometimes wrapped in a high-fiber tortilla), then yogurt, then a fruit other than grapes. If I attempt to follow this order he will usually ingest a form of the food pyramid :)
If you let him see a grape before that order though, you're done for! We've taken a hiatus (sp?) from mandarin oranges because of a rash situation.
He's really started getting a bit more difficult to feed, but it's not terrible. I just try the best I can :)
9. Look at this cutest bedhead! He took such a good nap that he had sleep marks on the side of his face & major bedhead. It was so cute! He woke up a happy boy too.
Amazing what a nap can do huh? Wish I knew these days ;)
He's skipped a few naps for ME (not Bobby of course), or takes only a 40-45 minute one. Unless of course I am on a time schedule & need to be somewhere :)

10. Look how cute this is! His hand is even stuck in his diaper! He's been going through a little phase where he ends up asleep in crazy positions. The night after this he fell asleep sitting up propped in the corner of his crib.

Look at these PERFECTLY chubby feet & legs.
Perfect :)

10. He loves to be silly. Me, him, n sissy were runnin errands, & he was bein a silly hamburger :)

Examining our purchases & letting the rash air out after errands
11. He is SO smart! He has learned to take these off & put them back on. Clever boy. He will also put the shapes in his little IKEA house my parents got him. He will also stack blocks all facing the same way. OCD on the horizon???

12. My favorite new talent of Mr. Salad! He blows kisses! It is the sweetest thing ever :)


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