Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Lola is 4 Months Old!

 Oh my beautiful girl!
We all love you SO so much!
You bring so much joy into our home, thank you <3
You grow so much quicker than I'm ready for. Being the 3rd child means there's a little (or quite a lot ;)) less time for Mommy to sit & stare at you all day like I got to with your brother. We are always on the go, always tired (mostly due to you my sweet!), & the time just flies. You are my last baby & it makes me so sad that time escapes me. I can tell you grow every single day. I miss you so much when I'm at work. Spending time away from you makes me appreciate you more though.
You are amazing. You are beautiful inside & out. I love your sweet, happy personality. I wish your stinkin tummy let you feel better because you are quite a cheerful, smiley, cool girl when you feel good!
Happy 4 months my little princess!
*At 4 months Lola is barely fitting into her 3-6 month clothes, we are gonna hafta break out the 6 monthers. She wears a size 2 diaper. Her petite little girly feet still can't fit in all these cute shoes we've inherited!
*She smiles if you even look at her & she giggles so much! I LOVE it! Nothin beats baby & kid giggles. They are a sure fire way to brighten ANYone's day <3
*She is 14.8 lbs &___ inches long Hmm. I'll have to edit that. I had it in my phone & I accidentally deleted it :(
*She fits perfectly in my arms & her cute, chunky little thighs fit perfect in my hands.
*She does NOT like to go to bed or nap. She takes little cat naps just like her brother did. She doesn't have a schedule per-say, but you can count on her being exhaused at 9:30-10pm, not eating good, falling asleep & waking back up until about 2 am. At least it's not 4:30-5am anymore ;)
*She has the CUTEST dimples all over her face! Below her eyes & mouth, 2 on her left cheek, one on the right, & one on her neck. A-dorable!
*She eats anywhere from 4-7 oz & eats about every 3 hours. Every 2.5 hrs if she doesn't eat good.
*She loves her brother (even though he mauls her!)
*She loves to snuggle with Sissy
*She loooooves to be held & snuggled
*She holds on to my shirt like a blankie when she's nursing
*She is obsessed with eating her hands
*She sits up so good in the bumbo, sort of :)
*She gets very distracted while nursing. Especially by Daddy & Brother's voices. And the TV. And the ceiling fan.
*She totally does crunches all the time trying to sit up & be so big.
*She can pretty much roll over, she just can't quite get the hand she rolls over on out from under her chunky little bod :)

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