Monday, April 27, 2015

Lola is 10 months old

Miss Lola!
You are 10 months old!
Man how time flies!!!
You have accomplished so much this month girl!
Thank you for being my little sweetheart. Mommy sure loves you Princess.

Lola has 8 teeth! And man have they been buggers! -_-

She is quickly growing out of size 12 month clothes

She pulls herself up constantly. She pulls down whatever she can reach,
she crawls so fast & is into everything!

She adores her brother even though he pushes her down, hits her, & steamrollers her.
She says "Daddy," "baba," & I swear I heard "Mama." I don't think it was intentional, but she said it!!

She wears size 3 diapers, & even though she pretty much only wears her moccasins I think she is in a size 3 shoe.

She (for now at the moment?) goes to bed around 9pm. Wakes up screaming around 1am & sometimes 4 am, but goes back to sleep on her own.
She wakes up around 6am or 7am for  a bottle & goes back to sleep until 9 or 10am. She naps around 12:30pm & 4pm. The naps are usually short-lived, but hey they happen right??!! Tate pretty much never napped until he was about a year I think. Hers are anywhere from 20 minutes to 1 1/2 hrs.

She loves finger foods like bananas, strawberries, puffs, yogurt melts, & rice husks.
She has just very recently (like the last week) started sleeping through the night better. Sort of.
She still wakes up, but she will eventually fall back asleep.
Mommy decided she was done being a fool. Lola would scream ballistically, & then I went into her room. She immediately perked up, smiled, & giggled. At that point I decided I was done being manipulated!
I have felt so bad about her teeth & her cold, but when I had tried everything: gas drops, lavender oil, homeopathic teething gel, an amber teething necklace, tylenol. feeding her, burping her, she's pooped, she's peed, she's farted, etc. I was out of options.
To have her laugh at me & just want to play though??
I decided I was done & it has been much better since then
(fingers crossed it stays!!!)

She is my spunky little princess & I love love love her.
Thank you for letting me be your Mommy Lola!!!

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