Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tater is 4 months!...and almost 5 mths by the time I finish this post ;)

    Baby tate is 4 months old!

What's new with him....

1. He wears 6 month clothes.

2. He is barely able to fit in size 2 diapers. Tryin to get through this last case :)

3. He weighs 15 lbs. 7 oz. & is 26 inches long. He is in the 54th percentile for weight (yes I know everyone's shocked ;)), 78th percentile for height, & his noggin is still 30th percentile. He took his shots like a champ too! AND the hour & a half wait at the doctor's office. Mommy's fault, I always get the late afternoon appts.

4. His favorite thing is to stand up on your lap or chest while you hold his hands. He loves to be so big & tall!

5. He jibber jabbers all the time. It is so fun & cute! I LOVE his stories!

6. He has a growing affection for his sister. She is always so good to hop in the backseat of the car & calm him down when he is upset. She is a great help with him, & he always has a smile for her :)

7. He has been a little off this month to be quite honest. He was going through a growth spurt a time or two, where he wanted to eat every two hours, & he would actually take naps. These spurts passed, and now his range is between 2-3 1/2 hrs again, even during the night. He still doesn't really nap. 15-20 minutes if he takes one, & once in awhile he will sleep for an hour & a half (but I truly think it's only because he is just plain wore out at that point!). We think he is afraid he will miss something. I've never seen a LITTLE baby fight sleep so hard. He is a little funny to watch sometimes, trying to force those eyes to stay open. He is still gorgeous, amazing, wonderful, & so so much fun...just a bit challenging :) I really think it's only hard because I've gone back to work. Bobby works a lot, & is still a great daddy. He helps when he can, but working nights is tough stuff & I try to let him sleep as much as he can. I have to say though, we are a pretty dang good team together, taking turns when we need to. I'm not complaining, I'm just journaling Tater's progress so I remember, & can somewhat know what to expect when I have another baby :)

8. I swear he gets bigger & cuter while I am gone to work! He grows so fast! (You'd think it would be exhausting work, bein a growing boy, but he manages just fine ;))

9. Grammy & Poppy saw a full-fledged tantrum while they were tending him. Now they know we're not lying ;) jk. Tate is so cool & chill alot of the time though, that I'm sure it IS hard to imagine.........

Now that Tater is almost 5 months old...

10. He learned to roll over this last week! December 7th. Since then he is a rollin maniac. He mostly goes to his left side, but can roll from back to tummy, or tummy to back. It is so fun! He loves it. I think he likes the new point of view.

11. This week we also started rice cereal. It was funny. Bobby was on video camera, Liv on the regular camera, & my camera phone. We were all ready, and... it just dribbled out of his mouth. I guess I expected him to do more. Out of about 10 tries he played around with 2 of them, working it around in his mouth...I tried again the next night & he did seem a little more interested, opening his mouth & working it around in there more. It is so fun to watch him do it, but it does make quite a mess :)


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