Saturday, May 25, 2013

Tater @ 10 months

 I've tried to summarize the month in photos. He's accomplished so much this month mentally & physically. He pulls himself up constantly, crawls so quickly everywhere, gets into trouble ;)
he scares off HoneyBun now where before she was fascinated with him. She still likes him, but he gives her a run for her money ;) he wears a size 4 diaper & 12-18 month clothes. He is so perfect. I cannot believe how much I love this kid. Correction, BOTH my kids.
He has started grasping things with his thumb & pointer finger, first yogurt melts, then puffs, now these big cheeto-looking puffs Bobby got him. He got so good at it fast. I was very hesitant to start him on chewable foods. I just get nervous that he will choke. I know it's kinda silly, but I hear & see a lot of bad things at work :(
I let him work his little tooth on celery, bananas, & snap peas (until the other day. He bit part of it off !) I can't believe how much his little tooth grows every day! It's amazing!
Speaking of the tooth, he bit me the other day! Right on the shoulder! It hurt worse than I thought it would! Although, I do remember Zach biting me there when he was a baby & it hurt like a bugger! I scolded him & he had the biggest crocodile tear ever. The real cry. Where he scrunches up his face & THEN the tears come. Opposite of whiney fake cry when the tears come first. He's so funny. I really felt bad though that I hurt his feelings so badly!
He does bite me when nursing sometimes & for some reason thinks it's a hysterical game when I tell him "don't!" Til I get really firm with him & then the scrunchy-face devastated cry comes.
Schedule?...let's see. Still wakes up to eat every 3-4 hours. Unless it's Bobby home with him. He will sometimes sleep through the night for him. I've tried a bottle instead of nursing & it just doesn't make a difference for me. He loves me so much he just can't go more than a few hrs without seeing me! ;)....He gets up at 7am to nurse or drink bottle, he gets up for good at 10am give or take...he has breakfast, we go for a walk/ride in his little push-car...he naps either once or twice a day depending on what Liv has going on as far as needing rides, etc. or necessary errands I have....he eats veggies for lunch (pureed) & his new little finger-food snacks, pureed meat n veggies for late dinner around 830ish, gets in tub after sissy gets out of the shower around 9ish. We start for bed at 10ish (nurse/bottle/story/singing) & he falls asleep about 11:30pm. He pulls himself up to one side of the crib, crawls to the other side & gets up, goes back & forth a few times, does baby push-ups, sticks his rump in the air, then eventually passes out. Bobby teases that he's like a drunk girl at a party being all crazy, then he passes out wherever he lands :) He is so funny. Wakes up about 3am & we start all over again :)
Happy 10 months little man!

Tater's first tooth...AND a big green booger. Gross

Uh-oh, someone learned how to pull himself up to standing!

And now that's all he does :)

He loves to be tickled by Daddy

He & Mommy like to play in the backyard.
I put him in the hammock & he instantly looks like he wants to go to sleep.
Maybe I should get one for his room! ;)

Look at that happy face. Still loves the tub.
He actually will get mad when you take him out.

Look at those perfect feet & cankles!

These are some of my favorite parts of him. They are just the cutest!
Perfect little body :)
We go for a walk everyday in his cute little car Katy Lythgoe Morgan gave us

Cute batman jams Daddy bought him. Complete with utility belt :)
This little radio/boom box is one of his fave toys these days. Gramma Marilyn & Grampa Bert gave it to him for Christmas. It's cool to see him pay attention to certain toys that he didn't quite get how to work before. His puppy piano from Grammy n Poppy is another fave. This month he has done a TON of growing as far as learning goes

Look at that sweet face.
So good with a sippy cup now. He uses it at every meal.

Tried yogurt melts from Grammy n Poppy.
Look at his cute chubby little hands! It's so fun to watch him learn & master "picking stuff up"

A real musician!
He is getting really good at watching me do stuff & repeating it.
Man, this $ spot xylophone from Christmas was the best find ever! He loves it.
He watched me play & then grabbed the stick & started playing it himself. So smart!

Leave it to Bobby to find baby Cheetos. Look at him grab the whole can. He's got Mommy's appetite ;)

Loves him some Cheetos (no they are not really Cheetos. Gerber graduate cheese puffs)

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