Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tater 18 months

Look at this face! That sly, flirty little grin. I cannot believe I made such a beautiful child! LOVE HIM!!!! He is the cutest thing I've ever seen (sorry other mamas!). Everyday this kid amazes me. He is so smart, funny, handsome. I am amazed on a daily basis how much he learns too! He is so smart! They really are like little sponges soaking up everything around them. It is so cool to see.

He loves to color. We are working on keeping it ON THE PAPER :)

Enjoying a party with friends.
This awesome little table came from who else? The Lythgoe/Morgan family!
Thanks guys! He loves it & feels "so big" at it :)

This is his new fort Santa brought him.
It took him a minute to figure out that he had to duck to get out of it.
My tall boy :)

He likes to play peek-a-boo out the top

Cutest lil bummy

Doesn't he look so GQ nibbling on the end of those glasses?

Time for a little naked flute playing

Bath-time in Mommy's big tub

So my awesome phone got wet & is on the fritz. I've been trying to find a nice used one, but am having awful luck with it. Sooo....I am short on pics in January due to switching phones, having no camera phone, returning crappy used ones. I am getting a new phone this week, so I hopefully my next update will be better.
Anyhow, what's new with Tater??

1. Tater loves doing puzzles. He will do the same one over & over again. It's almost like he's racing himself. My mom was over the other day & she would cheer for him & he would look up after every one like "Did you see that?" So cute.
2. He can say so many animal noises! The horse, which sounds more like "knee" instead of "neigh" but it is darling :), dog, cat, pig, sheep which is a loud & scary "baa," tiger & lion say "Raaa-aaar!" He plays a game with Bobby where he'll ask him what each one says, & he'll say one wrong on purpose so Bobby will tickle him.

3. He got a cold & a tricuspid on the bottom right side. He can sure get a temp. It was 102.3 on Tylenol. He sure scares his mama. He was only really bad for about 2 days. I had run out of Tylenol & didn't have a car (& Bobby was at work) so my sweet parents came & brought us 2 bottles @ 11 at night! They are the best! Thanks so much Mom & Dad.

4. He loooves to wear his big boy boots that Tisha lent us. I took him for a walk & he walked an entire block in them. He clogs around in them & loves the sound they make on the sidewalk or the kitchen floor. He just stares at his feet too. It is so cute.

5. Still wearin size 2t clothes, size 6 shoe, & size 4 diapers.

6. I hate to say this *wince* *cringe* but he has been taking pretty good naps. Not always consistent with the time (I'm realllly trying so I can get him & baby (& me? ;)) on the same schedule for his nap).

7. He got one leg up on his crib. Bobby was in the room fortunately. We aren't sure if that's the only reason why he did it. I hope he doesn't attempt it on his own when he's by himself! Bobby says at least he'll learn :( My big boy! I wanted to keep him in his crib as loooooong as possible! He still will not go straight to sleep but he plays so good & quietly in there before nap & bed I don't want to jeopardize that!

8. I have consistently started saying prayers with him at night & me & Liv always do at dinner. So now we have a little routine where we tuck all his babies (stuffed animals) in at the end of the bed, cover them with their blanky (there is seriously like 8 of them & if you try to put them back in their respective places on the shelf he has a fit). I get nervous he'll pile them up & try to climb out. He WAS using his knock-off "dreamlite" turtle (which is actually WAY more cool than a real one. His shell has 7 real constellations & the moon on it!) as a stepstool, so I moved that to his dresser. I was worried he would crack it & get cut on the hard plastic or something, but now I'm also worried he'll escape too! Anyhow, after we tuck the babies in we say prayers. He caught on & started prompting me after like 2 times. He folds his arms (for the frist two seconds) & then will rub his tummy "please" to do it again. Sometimes it's like 6 times. Isn't that sweet? And smart! Now he does it at naptime too. I love it :)

9. Speaking of the "please" belly rubbing. My friends taught me a few signs since I told them about his constant "more" sign accompanied by an urgent "meh-meh!" for everything. Now he only does "please." I'm trying to do both, but whatever. It works & it is actually more  polite, so there ya go :)

10. Bobby lets him watch "Barney" on his phone & he loooooves it. It kind of drives me crazy because he lets him do it A LOT. I have to admit though, to get a nice quiet routine going I have been snuggling him while he drinks his bottle @ nap & bedtimes & we watch 10-15 minutes of the baby channel to wind down. It has worked pretty good although he doesn't sit still for long sometimes & gets a little fussy. Then we brush teeth & go straight to bed. Usually though I let him brush his teeth while we are watching & he focuses really well & does a great job. He gets super mad when I get the teeth he's missed & then rinse them. Of course mom is the "mean bad guy" who really just knows best. I'll take one for the team to train him right. When he's older he'll know I just care :) Probably much older -_-

11. Bobby got me a tablet for Christmas & it has been awesome. I've downloaded a bunch of learning apps for him. Puzzles, colors, counting, balloon popping, & his favorite....Nursery rhymes & songs. They have animations along with them & I swear he would watch it for 2 hours if I let him. It is nice to teach him stuff & expose him to music. He loves music. I have to say the baby channel teaches them SO much too. He's old enough that he catches on pretty quickly, so that's why I've been letting him watch too. They teach things in ways I don't know how (I'm still pretty new at this!), so it's pretty cool.

12. He does not prefer to sit in his high chair anymore which makes eating pretty difficult sometimes.
Fave foods are (& are changed around daily or by the meal even) cheese (the marbled kind, not string cheese so much anymore), sometimes green beans, sugar snap peas, cheerios, greek yogurt, & I got him this "greens" juice since he doesn't love most vegetables. It tastes good like pineapple & he really likes it so I'm happy about that. He still doesn't prefer meat. Although he does like spaghetti a lot. He has been eating slightly-frosted mini wheats with me sometimes too.

13. He likes to throw fits a lot now & gets very upset. Fun

14. He looooooves to watch sissy cheer or dance. At home he'll make her do her dance like 3 times & then she has to stop because she's exhausted!

15. He has started to pat the couch or floor next to him & wants you to sit down next to him. It is SO adorable. He really likes to do that when we read. He is still such a good reader! He will let me read about 4 books in a row (sometimes over & over. Fun).

16. We got him a pass to the Treehouse Children's Museum & he LOVES it! It is so fun to watch him take everything in there.

17.  He is my sweetheart & I love him so very much. I miss him so much when I'm at work & can't wait to rush home & see him. He makes everyday better for me & brings absolute joy to my life. I can't sleep at night pretty much since I've been pregnant. Sometimes I'll just go sit & watch him sleep (not creepy cause I'm his mom!) He is so beautiful & amazing & I thank Heavenly Father for him soooo many times a day. He makes me happier than anything in the world. I cannot believe we made him & that I've been so blessed with such an amazing little man.
I love you Tater.

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