Tuesday, October 9, 2012

2 months old!

Happy 2 months Tate!

Daddy should know better than to hold a naked boy!
Look how much you've grown! You looove your bath!

Haha. Big poopy on your new outfit

Your first smile! He actually did it the night before, but we ALL got one this day, so that's what we are counting ;)

Trying to catch that smile. This face was too cute though!
We've been taking family hikes outside. So beautiful with the fall colors

Time flies! I cannot believe how big my little baby has gotten. So quickly too! I swear he flew through his 3 month clothes & he already wears 6 months! He has started doing so many fun things too.

1. He goos & cooes all the time. He is constantly telling us stories. It is so fun!

2. He swats @ everything hanging from his playmat that cousin Maelee let us borrow. His cellphone Grammy n Poppy gave him & this little rattle Katy Morgan gave him from her kids are his favorites.

3. He still loves the tv but I never let him watch it because Dr. Nye told us it is bad & could lead to developing ADHD. I would rather not take any chances. I didn't like it anyways because he seemed to be obsessed with it! (just like a man;)) He still stares at the blank tv though wondering where it went!

4. He moves his hand to his mouth all the time. I think we might have a thumb sucker soon.

5. He SMILED! Yay! Mr. Serious has been cracked. Bobby jokes that he had a stressful job on Wall Street that constantly stressed him out. He is SO funny. Now he jokes that he must have gotten fired, cuz he is all smiles now! 1st real smile 9/24/12

6. He is doing a little better with nursing. He swings his arms around sooo much & boxes me. It makes nursing really difficult because he distracts himself so much, hits himself in the face, can't focus, & kinda freaks out. Still working on it though. He does a ton better during the night, when he is more tired. It's nice & I see why it is such a bonding experience for women. I love to look at him & see how much he's grown for the day. It's mostly those thighs! ;)

7. He had his two month shots & did fantastic. By the time he realized what was going on, Kira was done! He was NOT happy, but it only lasted a minute.

8. For his 2 month check-up he is 76% for his height, 69% for weight, & 30% for his head. He weighs 12 lbs. 12 oz. & is 23 1/2 inches long.

9. He has slept for 6 1/2 hours at night! Of course it's when Bobby's home for the weekend & helps a ton. He saves the "party all night" times for Mom ;) normally I am used to staying up til 2 or 3 am, but these days with minimal sleep it's tougher. I think he only sleeps that long because he is thoroughly exhausted from not napping great during the day. Hopefully soon that will happen more often. Right now it's once or twice a week. Good job Buggy! First time 9/9/12

10. He eats about 4 or 5 oz a feed. He is gaining weight like a champ! It's so cute.

11. He has increased the decibel of his blood curdling scream & turns it up daily. He is so funny. He is so chill & cool until his temper gets set off. Like waiting for dad to warm up his bottle, or staying in his cradle longer than he would prefer. What is funny though, is you pick him right up & he stops immediately. Stinker ;) His new nickname is Tate the Time Bomb. You can take that more ways than one too! He constantly blows out his diaper & destroys his outfit. He farts & grunts like a man. It makes me giggle :)

12. He sticks his tongue out & mimicks you. Bobby started this with him. He is so smart! He just seems too little to do this!

13. Lastnight Bobby started making up silly songs & singing them to him. He started singing back! It was SO cute! I hafta capture this on video!

I cannot believe how much I love this kid. He makes everyday better & filled with joy. He makes us all so happy. Liv is such a wonderful big sister & gives him lots of love. She helps me with him, reads him books, & plays with him. He is so lucky to have her! (So am I, it's nice when she's here because I can shower!) He brings so much happiness to all our lives. I love to watch Bobby with him too. He just melts for Tater. Happy two months buddy!

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