Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tater is 11 months old

Oh my sweet little man. I love you so much!!!!
You are the cutest baby I have ever seen! I can't believe you are 11 months old already. It feels like you were just kicking in my belly. I loved carrying you with me everywhere & that we were always together. I hate leaving you to go to work, but it makes me miss you tons & I can't WAIT to see you when I get home! I love love love you! I could sit & just watch you discover things all day, play with your toys, crawl around & follow Honeybun. I love your sweet baby smell(except your butt. Whew! :)). Every inch of you is pure perfection. You have the most perfect little face & body I've ever seen!
I am so so happy to be your mommy! You make me the happiest girl in the world.
I love you my sweetheart!
What's new with Tater this month:
1. He loves cheerios, goldfish crackers, yogurt melts, & bananas. Mommy's gotten more brave at giving him stuff :) We've been going to park lunch & he has tried other new stuff like mandarin oranges, baked beans, & pears. He's getting SO good!
2. He's got a new tooth! Right next to the other bottom one. Sleep & attitude was rough for a week or two. Yikes. Poor baby though, I'm sure it's tough :(
3. He went swimming for the first time & loved it .We went to Grammy & Poppy's one day, & then we had our neighbor boy Bennett over in our pool.
4. He tries to stand up without holding on to anything.
5. He crawls around like the speed of light!
6. He loves to annoy HoneyBun & pull on her leash. She does NOT love this. It's pretty funny though, she will go pick up the end of her leash in her mouth & run away from him :)
7. He loves to say Dad-dad-dada-DAD. It's cute.
8. He can't quite say "Yay," but we clap & say "Yay Tater yay," while we clap & he mimicks us in the exact same tone. It is so cute!
9. He claps whenever he hears somebody clap. Bobby put a Counting Crows album in his cd changer stereo & it's a live album so there's clapping. I have to switch it at bedtime because he gets all excited & claps when you can hear the audience clap. It's so cute.
10. He gets very excited when he sees his bottle & starts a little whimpery-wine til he gets it.
11. He gums his lips together repeatedly when he wants food or drink. It's so cute
12. He is in size 4 diapers & 12-18 month clothes.
13. He is starting to prefer whole foods over baby food.
14. His favorite bath toy is his water wand (nicer version of a water gun) from Grammy & Poppy.
15. Some of his favorite other toys are his activity table. He dances while he's standing up against it.
He still loves the little blue stereo from Gramma Marilyn & Grampa Bert. He loves playing the xylophone I got him for Christmas. He loves straws, remotes, & anything he shouldn't play with (like Mommy's phone)
16. He weighs.....hmm. I need to weigh him & update this :)
17. He can wave bye-bye, but won't always do it.
18. He gives the best open-mouthed slobbery kisses. I LOVE them! He gets really shy when he kisses somebody out of our immediate family. He will smile & hurry & turn to hide in my neck :)
19. He LOVES to tease & play with us. He loves to giggle & be silly

Fave bathtub toy

Biting on Grammy n Poppy's crib, just like Mommy used to do

He thought this was another baby. It was so fun to watch him

His hair is so long he gets bedhead now!

First time swimming.
We were at Grammy n Poppy's
He didn't want to hold still for his pic :)

Mommy n Tater. I decided to have an impromptu swim myself

Walking with Mommy at the parkway.
Doesn't he look so big?!
What happened to my tiny baby??
This is a little boy!

Oh my gosh I could eat him!

He LOVES to laugh & giggle

Happy 11 month birthday little man!

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