Saturday, April 12, 2014

Tater 20 months

These pics are of Tater & I going to the park, having a picnic, doing puzzles, snuggling Daddy, shopping at Lowe's in the vroom-vroom cart, & just his cute face :)

We went to the park & met a little boy in our neighborhood named Jackson. I think he was around 6 years old. Tate watched everything he did! Going down the slide, across the bridge, writing in the sand with a stick, playing lacrosse with his dad. It was pretty cute. He watched him so intently.

One day we went for a walk in his little red car & then had a picnic on the lawn. He had so much fun walking around like a big boy in the yard. He was pretty good at minding me about staying in our yard, on the grass. He is such a sweetheart.

He still loves puzzles & cars.

Absolutely loves his dad.

He loves the shopping carts at Lowe's when he came with me to run errands. He watched all the other kids in their car carts too & seemed fascinated. He is so fun to watch, I just get the biggest kick out of him.

What's new with Tate:

1. He LOVES bubbles.

2. He still wears size 5 diapers, 2T clothes are getting a little short, but 3T's are too big. He can wear them but they're pretty roomy. Size 7 shoes fit more comfortably than the 6's. I swear he grows every night! Especially when I'm at work.

3. He says lots of words now. bubbles & vroom vroom are newer ones.

4. Still loves the Children's Museum, especially the trains.

5. Still loves the walks in his little red car.

6. He is really enjoying his cousins & interacting with them.

7. He is getting skinnier from running around everywhere & being a bit of a picky eater sometimes.

8. He is learning to throw some major tantrums these days. Sometimes we just have to laugh at him.

9. He is the little love of my life. He brings me so much happiness, everyday. He makes everyday better. I look at him & I cannot believe how blessed I am to have such a perfect little man who is so much fun to be with. Love you Mr. Salad!

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