Saturday, March 2, 2013

Salt Lake Overnighter

So I thought it would be fun & nice to take the fam for a little overnighter since Tate had been sleeping through the night for a few weeks. Except the week preceding our little vacay Tate started waking during the night WITH A vengeance (for me of course. He is always good for his dad. I kind of think he is a party animal with me & you know,  he HAS to wind down at some point, & lucky Bobby always gets those nights it seems). Anyways, I was nervous about it, but didn't want to let Livers down, & still thought we could possibly have a fun time. So still on for our plans. Liv helped me look up hotels (I was surprising Bobby). We came across the Shilo Inn, which is older, but had a 24 hr indoor pool, a hot tub, we could bring HoneyBun,&  they had free breakfast. Sounded pretty good. So I had Liv google it & Shilo Inn HAUNTED, Shilo Inn MURDERS, Shilo Inn GHOSTS all pop up. Yikes! So she proceeded to read & we found out in the 70's a mom threw all her children off the balcony, making the oldest help her, & then finished with tossing her off. One survived, I will have to google it later. Maybe. I'm a pretty big chicken. Liv was of course enthralled with the idea that it was haunted so she HAD to stay here. Nervous, but okay, I agreed. She finished reading how the maintenance workers had several encounters & said the "energies" seemed to be friendly & played little tricks on him frequently. We read another encounter from an out-of-towner there on business. She heard what sounded like children giggling & playing in her chest of drawers.
 FREAK-Y! Still, I agreed.
We had a great time at first, Tate loved the pool,then we ate at Squatters. It was SO delish! We had a blast back at the hotel playing Liv's games on her kindle & tryin to get Tater to sleep. Well...this is how the night went.
12:30- Tate finally asleep
1:30ish- coughing fit from Liv, yet she somehow is sleeping through it. I did bring Nyquil for her so she could feel good, AND if Tate was being a stinker keeping us all up.
2:15ish- Bobby wakes up (after keeping me up with snoring :)) His arm hurts, he goes to the bathroom, walks around, gets a drink.
3am- finally able to drift off to sleep & all of a sudden Tate wakes up SHRIEKING. I think he had gas pains. Poor baby :( He was inconsolable for about 20 minutes. After we got him to settle down I figured I would try & feed him since he last ate at 10pm.
4:30-Tate down & asleep. YES!
5:30- Nicki Minaj or some female singing some crazy song blaring on Liv's phone alarm. She silences it after we wake her up. It proceeds to alarm TWO more times.
5:45am- Bobby wants to tell me as I am trying to go to sleep about his ghostly encounter in the bathroom. Are you serious!!?? I say absolutely not. Tell me later!
6am-sweet sleeping slumber atlast!!!
9am-Tate is awake. Doesn't usually get up this early, so we try putting him back down after he eats. I go to get our free breakfast to eat later. Line out the door due to some "gun" convention in town. No luck.Back to room, Tate is still awake. Lay him in between us. Hold bink in. Swaddle (arms free of course, hated it since he was brand new.) Snuggle, Sing, Tickle face.
11am-Give up. Go home. Will not repeat the bickering back & forth between Bobby & I ;). Despite the evening we are all happy, & giggling on way home.
Not sure
K. FREA-KY! So on the way home I asked Bobby what he had wanted to tell me about his bathroom experience earlier. He said that he thought Liv & I were playing a joke on him so he didn't mention it because he didn't want us to think we had gotten him. I guess when he was in there he heard a little girl's voice talking & giggling. He said it was by the bathtub or just outside the door .He heard whispering (how kids whisper super loud ya know ;)) & giggling. He couldn't make out the words, but said it was too loud to disregard. He forgot about it until later.
THEN, when Tate woke up screaming at 3ish he said he rolled over & thought he saw me leaning over the crib, except he rolled all the way over & then saw me laying next to him! He looked again & whatever he saw was gone. K. I am officially freaked out! And might I admit, MAD! Did this woman wake my stinkin baby up after we FINALLY got him to sleep!!?? Jk ;)
SOOOooo glad he didn't tell me this until we were on our way home!
Look at that cute face & body!
Glad we got to use this swimsuit because I am afraid he won't fit in it by summertime even though it's 12 months!

Swimmin with Daddy & Sissy

Dad & Liv playin on her kindle. We played this hidden object game. It is superfun!
Liv is awesome at it!
I'm not so bad myself ;)
Tater helpin Liv ;)

Carryin Tater out with the luggage :)


  1. You don't know me, but I found your blog through Tessie's. I just happened to notice the title of your blog listed under her 'hero's' sidebar. LaRose is my maiden name it is very uncommon so I had to check the blog. I was just curious as to your husbands name? He looks familiar, but we are not close with my dad's family since his parents and grandparents are deceased. Hopefully this doesn not weird you out, but curiousity brought me here. :) You can find me at

  2. Okay, I just figured it out, I think. Is your husband's Bob's son? That must be why he looks so familiar because he looks like Bob. Anyways, my dad is Randy, Loren's son. :)
