Saturday, March 16, 2013

Tate is 7 months!

My baby boy is sooo big! This has to be my favorite month! ( I always think that, but for SURE this time ;)) He has more consistently slept through the night, he is so fun & interactive. He talks a ton, & he just gets squishier by the day! I love it!
What a joy this boy brings us ALL.
Tater is 7 months old!
What's new with Tate this month:
1.He can sit up in the bathtub
2. He learned to sound like a whoopie cushion with his mouth. He scrunches up his face & I'm not sure which is more funny, the sound or the expression!
3. His new favorite objects lately are the old VCR remote & the mini whisk Melissa gave me for Christmas. His favorite ACTUAL toys are his shape house, shark finger puppet, & his blocks. He loves banging them together & knocking over towers Mommy builds.
4. Stilllll loves the jumper. Thanks Gramma Sandi! It's a lifesaver!
5. He tried his first grown-up food, pureed raviolis we had from our dinner. He loved them!
6. He loves to stare at the other babies @ church. It's cute. He's so interested in EVerything.
7. We switched him to his big boy carseat. I think he likes it better because he will actually fall asleep in it sometimes.
8. He isn't crawling, but he scoots backwards good! He can also maneuver himself by turning around somehow because I will set him down, & he will be in a different spot when I turn around.
9. He loves to eat my face. My chin especially. It's so cute, but I have to admit the slobber grosses me out. He totally spit in my nose the other day!
10. He is wearing 9 or 12 month clothes & still in size 3 diapers. I'm not sure why jammies run so small, but he wears 12-18 months in those. Bobby likes to buy him the separates that are kinda tight & look so cute on his little bod.
11. He's still tough to feed. I will nurse him, have to switch sides twice to keep him interested, & sometimes he won't eat, so we will try to give him a bottle of breastmilk, which he won't eat UNLESS he's in his crib. Weird, but it works. However we have to get him full & sleep!
He is such a peculiar child!
12. He got really sick for the first time :( He coughed so hard he would throw up & cry :( Breaks my heart!!
13. He claps & gives high fives. We are working on blowing kisses.
14. He sort-of-kind-of-I hate-to-even-jinx-it (wince) has a routine. We will try for bed around 10ish. He will finally go to sleep anytime between then & 12:30a.m (usually the latter no matter how tired he is). He will wake up between 7a-8a (as I write this though he has woke up during the night hysterical & hungry the last three nights!) sometimes even 9am (or both-he got into a habit of waking up at 9 & can't shake it, even if he was just up at 7), eat, (sometimes stay up for a few hours (ugh)) & then nap until 11 or 12 to get up for good for the day. He will go down for a nap around 2-2:30pm & sometimes around 6pm (or not at all :) Yay) Reading over this it doesn't sound too consistent, but he's come a long way!  Way to go Tater!
Here are some pics of my gorgeous boy this month. I love him so so much I could eat him!
Seriously, how cute is this kid??!!
This is after Grammy gave him a bath.
They're so nice, they watched him so me & Liv could have some girl time
Still loves to read
Mommy grabbed her phone to take a picture & this is what happened!
Gigantic oatmeal mess!
Look at this body!
This is one of his favorite books, "Fingers & Toes." Zach, Tessie, & Dakota gave it to him in the hospital. He loves it. I have it memorized :)
His other favorite book is still "I Ruff You" from Grammy n Poppy.
Look how cute his fuzzy hair looks :)
I could eat him :)
First walk outside in a looong time.
It was around 55-60 degrees & felt sooo nice! Can't wait for real Spring!
Our nightly ritual of trying to get him to bed.
I sent this to Bobby @ work.
Can you see him wedged horizontally in the corner clapping & kicking his feet against the crib? He seriously takes about two hours to calm down & sleep sometimes.
He's crazy :)

Look at that thick hair coming in! I swear I can watch it grow daily!
Splashy splashy! He still loves the bath!
Sitting up in Mommy's tub like a big boy!
He's getting to big for his little hippo bath :)
Playing with favorite new toys. Ikea shape house & finger puppets from Grammy n Poppy for Valentine's Day.
Trying his raviolis & pureed pears Mommy made him. Yummy!
Sittin his new St. Patty's chair in his cute new jammers Daddy got him!

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